Tuesday, June 25, 2013

الفوضي الخلاقه لتنعم اسرائيل بالامن والامان : الحرب الرابعه هام

الاعلامية بالجزيرة خديجة بن قنا

عرض الرئبس على حمدين صباحي منصب نائب الرئيس ، و على أيمن نور رئيس الحكومة ، و على أحمد ماهر مساعد رئيس الجمهورية ، و على وائل غنيم وزير الشباب ، و على حمدي قنديل وزير الإعلام ، فرفضوا كلهم بلا استثناء ، و عرضت نقابة أطباء الأسنان علاء الأسواني كممثل لها في الجمعية التأسيسية للدستور فرفض ، و عرضوا أيضا على أحمد حرارة فر...فض ، و كان عزازي علي عزازي محافظ الشرقية فاستقال حتى لا يعمل مع الرئيس مرسي ، و عرض على معتز بالله عبد الفتاح وزارات فرفض ، و التزم الرئيس بتعيين شخصية مستقلة للحكومة و هي هشام قنديل ، و ظلت حصة حزب الرئيس في الحكومة أقلية حتى الآن ، و كذلك في المحافظين ، و عين الرئيس أغلبية الأعضاء المعينين في مجلس الشورى من المعارضين ، و دعاهم للحوار في كل أزمة فرفضوا ، و طلب منهم ترشيحات في كل تعديل وزاري أو للمحافظين فرفضوا ، و ألغى الإعلان الدستوري الصادر من المجلس العسكري فرفضوا مساندته وفاءا باتفاق فيرمونت بل هاجموه .
ثم تجد من لازال سادرا في هريه و يقول : الرئيس دكتاتور .... لم يف بتعهدات فيرمونت .... الإخوان يستأثرون بالسلطة .... أين الشراكة الوطنية ؟
شفاكم الله و عافاك

Sunday, June 23, 2013

successful internet business

Dear Entrepreneur  
Hi, my name is Jean. I have been a successful internet business woman for over seven years now.I was once in your situation at one time trying to find a profitable internet business where I could make some extra income. I purchased just about every money making program possible on the internet, some good but most of them bad.
But, I did not give up. I remember putting in at least 8-10 hours a day on the net searching for internet success.As time went by I started to figure things out and began making some money online. Then over time I started to master what needed to be done in order to make an excellent income on the internet. To make a long story short, I had figured it out.
I am now going to perform a service for you that is making people thousands of dollars monthly with Google and Clickbank! So, strap on your seat belt and get ready for the ride!
As seen in the #1 home based business magazine in the nation
(Small Business Opportunities Magazine)

Sit back and let me teach you a secret that most people are not aware of on the internet
Special Included!
No games, tricks, or schemes, I will show you how you can make an excellent monthly income on the internet with the help of Google and Clickbank.
I've decided to reveal an Amazing Secret that is making thousands of people Rich on the internet everyday with Google and Clickbank!  I am not pulling your leg!  I am physically going to show you how to receive anywhere from $3,500 to $25,000 in checks month after month from Google and Clickbank!
I am going to show you a program that Google and Clickbank has opened to the public that is making a great amount of people on going monthly cash within 1-3 months from a system I have Mastered! 
If you are not already familiar with the Google Adsense and Clickbank Program or you're aware of it but just don't know how to really profit from it then you have just landed at the right website where you will learn exactly everything I do Step by Step to make thousands of dollars every month on the internet withGoogle and Clickbank.
If you are not already in on the Millions of Dollars Google and Clickbank are paying out to people every month then you seriously need to jump on the bandwagon and obtain my Service Immediately!  It is simply Amazing how Easy this system is to operate.  I really don't know of any other opportunity on the internet today that is making a large number of individuals thousands of dollars every month on a continuous basic that's this easy to come by.  Once you get your hands on this information and put it to work, you may decide to walk into your current employers office and tell them you QUIT!!! Take my word on it!


Now that I have figured out how to make an excellent monthly income on the internet with Google and Clickbank it's now my duty to inform you on how this is done.  Note: I have seriously been pushed to reveal this hidden information to the thousands of people interested in making money on the internet that really works. I want to help others fulfill their dreams of financial freedom. I am giving what took me one year to learn, to you, for one day of your time to setup for you. Yes, you heard me right, one day. All you have to do is follow some simple setup instructions and we will do the rest to get you on your way to making thousands of dollars monthly on the internet with Google and Clickbank
Questions You May be Asking Yourself: Is this real? This can't be that easy? Nobody practically gives away this kind of valuable information? The AnswersThis is very real, easy, and being made public because, I am so fed up with these companies and individuals that are ripping people off and just plain lying to them with internet business programs that don't work.
Well, No more. So, for a limited time only! I have made it my job to inform you of a Internet Income Secret that is making people thousands of dollars everyday with Google and Clickbank. It's just not fair for people who have figured out how this is done to be entirely selfish or so afraid that if they uncover this secret, the market may become dangerously over flooded. IT'S NOT TRUE. There is enough business to go around for everyone to succeed. So, if you don't mind working from home (1 hour a day Just to check your Stats) you must take advantage of this Once in a Lifetime Opportunity! You will thank me for it. Guaranteed! NOTE: You will basically have to do no homework with this system because, this package is completely error free and the work has already been done.

Why I help You Make Money with Google and Clickbank!

Let me explain one thing before we get started.  I have been getting emails from all over the world asking me why would I help people make money with Google and Clickbank.  Well let me explain that real quick.  I have an independent contract I set up with Google about seven years ago.  This is how it works.  Google has created my own special link that will track every person I sign with the Google adsense program which is Free to Join.  Once you are approved I then create you a domain name with 300+ web pages with your Google referral code in all your pages.  Once you start making money Google then rewards me.  This takes nothing away from you at all.  So, you see we all Win!  You get Paid, Google makes money and I get paid by Google for my work with you.
Already have a Google Account? If you already have a Google Account that is fine also.  Once you join my program all I will need is your Google tracking code and I will then get credited by Google for the money I will help you earn in the future.
How You Get Paid: Google charges an advertiser in the ads that will appear on all your 300+ WebPages a fee which is usually between $1.00 to $50 a click.  Then Google will fund your account about 1/3 of what they charged that advertiser since their ad was clicked on from one of your 300+ WebPages.  It's an Amazing Program!
The people that click on the Google ads on your 300+ WebPages don't even have to purchase anything from the advertiser's website for you to get paid! You will earn a commission just from the click alone!
Google even allows you to put a Google Customized Search box on your web site.  So when someone comes to your website and uses the Google search box to find what they are looking for you will get paid on every search that is made to someone's website.
 Check out this Video to see how Google Search Works. 

When it comes to making money with Clickbank you will have banners on all your 300+ webpages from the top three paying merchants in Clickbank.  People will click on these banners from one of your 300+ webpages and go to a merchants website and purchase informational e-books that will have your referral code in them which will earn you a commission. 

أنقر هنا 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

مشروع تربية عصافير زينة

موضوع منقول 

شاريع منزلية

نعرض عليكم اليوم مشروع صغير من مشاريع منزليةوهو مشروع تربية عصافير زينة.و تعد تربية عصافير الزينة من المشاريع  الممتعة لدى الكثير.

مشروع عصافير الزينة من مشاريع منزلية:

يفضل البدء فى المشروع بعدد صغير من ازواج عصافير الزينة من 5:6 ازواج ولتكن هذة الازواج من النوع الاسترالى او الكنارى. ويتم وضع كل زوج فى قفص.
فى حال ان الذكر والانثى على استعداد للتكاثر ستقوم الانثى بوضع من 4 الى 5 بيضات تقريبا. وذلك بناء على نوع سلالة الذكر والانثى وايضا قوتهم. ويكون هذا على مدار السنة بصفة دورية

مشاريع منزلية

حساب تكلفة مشروع تربية عصافير الزينة من مشاريع صغيرة:

عدد5 ازواج من العصافير= 250 جنية مصرى. اى سعر الزوج الواحد هو 50 جنية.

عدد 5 اقفاص بتكلفة تبلع حوالى من 75 الى 100 جنية.

حوالى 30 جنية مستلزمات.

طعام لمدة شهر بتكلفة حوالى 15 جنية

اجمالى تكلفة مشروع تربية عصافير الزينة تتراوح بين 355 جنية الى 380 جنية بالاضافة الى 15 جنية طعام شهرى.

عوائد مشروع تربية عصافير الزينة من مشاريع صغيرة:

تبيض الانثى كل شهر ونصف مايقرب من 5 بيضات

وبالتالى 5 بيضات *5 امهات= 25 زغلول

ملحوظة: سوف تحتاج الى اقفاص لتضع الصغار بها. وسعر القفص الواحد حوالى 15 جنية مصرى.

خطوات ارشادية من مشاريع منزلية :

- امتلاك خبرة كافية فى تربية عصافير الزينة حتى ينجح المشروع.

- توفير المكان المناسب لوضع العصافير فية.

- الحفاظ على التغذية السليمة

- سلامة عائلتك اهم من سلامة مشروعك. اذا كان احد افراد عائلتك يعانى يعانى من الحساسية ضدالطيور او ماشابة .فاترك المشروع قبل البدء فية.

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